You are Darwin

You are Darwin

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With Virtual Reality you can travel from England
to the Galapagos! Set off on the Beagle with Darwin!

You Are Darwin is a unique journey, between real and virtual, to discover the extraordinary adventure of Charles Darwin. Thanks to Virtual Reality you can relive the most spectacular stages of his marvelous journey through the eyes of the great scientist.
Embark on the Beagle and make your way to the frontiers of Science: discover firsthand Darwin’s travels, from South America, to the Galapagos while studying nature. You will experience as a protagonist, through the eyes of the scientist and through his voice, the history and scientific discoveries of the father of the Evolutionary Theory. The tour is available in Italian only.

This experience was produced by VIS srl for Way Experience, realized with the contribution of InnovaMusei – Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia and Fondazione Cariplo as part of the Innovamusei project.

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